Thursday, 4 July 2024

Club Championships 2024

The last weekend in June saw the Men’s and ladies club Championships.

In the Men’s championship it was a highly competitive weekend with each division being hotly contested with the gold group going to a play off!

The Bronze division was won by Steve O’Hara 2 shots ahead of Tim Smith.

The Silver division was won by Jason Senior 9 shots ahead of any of his rivals.

The Gold Division was won in a play off by last year’s Captain Steve Northeast from Rob Cooke.

Thank you to everyone for competing over the 2 days. Thanks also to Eric and the catering staff for all the great food they prepared over the weekend, the bar staff for working diligently is keeping us refreshed, Gavin and the Green keepers for preparing the course in such a great way, Charlie for setting out the tees and the Greens and making it a true test of golf and Vernon for all his hard work is setting up the competition and working out results etc so promptly.

A great weekend was had by all!