Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Men's Winter Eclectic Competitions

The Men's Winter Eclectic Competitions will run from the weekend of the 5th November to 12th March inclusive.

The Saturday Competition will be played for the Roy Lambdin Trophy (MBC).
Holder: Ravi Ravishanker

The Sunday Competition will be played for the Roy Thompson Trophy (MBC).
Holder: Ulrich Vosloo

The Vets (55+) will automatically be enrolled in their own mid week competition: The Bridgeman Rushton Trophy.
Holder: David Sansom

To enter the Weekend Eclectics please complete the form available from the Pro-shop and return it to the Pro-shop, with applicable fees by 11 November 2022.

New Members who might be unsure of how these events work, please speak to a Committee Member, fellow player or the Pro shop.